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Algae of Panama
Fiddler Crabs (Uca) - New World
Marine Invertebrates
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Akers, Marianne
Alvarez, Lorenzo
Anker, Arthur
Augyte, Simona
Aumack, Craig
Baeza, Juan Antonio
Carlon, Davel
Cassathers, Tim
Castillo, Arcadio
Clark, Chip
Collin, Rachel
Cook, Pat
da Gama, Bernardo A.P.
Demes, Kyle
Diaz, Cristina
Diaz-Pulido, Guillermo
Elmore, Christi
Fernández, Cindy
Freeman, Chris
Gaiser, Evelyn E.
Garcia, Emilio
Goodridge, Renata
Guerra, Marcos
Hansen, Carl
Hart, Mary
Hernández, Andrés
Herrea-cubilla, Amalia
Hochberg, Rick
Hooge, Mathew
Lacey, Elizabeth
Lee, Sangmi
Leonard-Pingel, Jill
Lessios, Haris
Litvaitis, Marian
Lobo-hajdu, Cisele
Lobo-hajdu, Gisele
Nichols, Scott
Norenburg, Jon
O'dea, Aaron
Ochoa, Edgardo
Parish, Edward
Paton, Steven
Pearce, Tim
Rice, Mary
Ritger, Rebecca
Ruvalcaba, J.
Sagasser, Sven
Sanchez, Juan A.
Schulze, Anja
Smythe, Ashleigh
Sorensen, Martin
Sturm, Charles
Torres, Elizabeth
Valdes, Angel
Waters, Nick
White, Kristine
Wilk, John
Wilkins, Alyson
Young, Lizette Quan
Ziegler, Christian
Zigler, Kirk
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Alabama Museum of Natural History Invertebrate Zoology Collection
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Arizona State University Mollusk Collection
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Auburn University Museum of Natural History Invertebrates
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Auburn University Museum of Natural History Mollusks
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Australian Museum
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Bailey-Matthews National Shell Museum Mollusk Collection
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California Academy of Sciences
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Carnegie Museum of Natural History - Mollusks
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Chicago Academy of Sciences
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Colección de moluscos del Museo de Malacología de la Universidad de Panamá
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Colección malacológica del Instituto de Investigaciones Botánicas y Zoológicas Prof. Rafael M. Moscoso de 1957 a 2000
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Colección Malacológica, Instituto de Investigaciones Botánicas y Zoológicas
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Colorado Plateau Biodiversity Center- Mollusk Collection
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Delaware Museum of Nature and Science – Mollusks
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Denver Museum of Nature & Science
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Dugway Proving Ground Natural History Collection
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Eastern Kentucky University Mollusk Collection
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Field Museum of Natural History Invertebrates
(FMNH-Invertebrate Zoology)
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Florida Biodiversity Collection Marine Invertebrates
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Florida Museum of Natural History
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Harvard University Museum of Comparative Zoology
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Houston Museum of Natural Science Malacology Collection
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Illinois Natural History Survey - Mollusk Collection
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Invertebrates Collection at the Natural History Museum of Utah
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Malacology Collection at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
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Museum of Northern Arizona
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Museums Victoria
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National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution
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Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County Malacology Collection
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Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County Marine Invertebrates
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Naturalis Biodiversity Center (NL) - Mollusca
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New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Invertebrate specimens
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North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences - Mollusk Collection
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North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences Non-molluscan Invertebrates Collection
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Ohio State University Museum of Biological Diversity - Crustaceans
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Paleontological Research Institution
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Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural History
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Scripps Institution of Oceanography Benthic Invertebrate Collection
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SDNHM Marine Invertebrate Collection
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Temporary collection for loading new taxonomy
(TEMP-taxon loading)
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Texas A&M University Biodiversity Research and Teaching Collections
(TCWC-Marine Invertebrates)
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Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala - Colección de Crustáceos
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Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala - Colección de Equinodermos
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Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala - Colección de Moluscos
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Universidad del Valle de Guatemala - Colección de Moluscos
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University of Alaska Museum
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University of Miami, Voss Marine Invertebrate Collections
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University of Michigan Museum of Zoology, Division of Mollusks
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University of Tennessee Knoxville, McClung Museum of Natural History & Culture
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University of Texas at El Paso Biodiversity Collections